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    • Les principaux indicateurs clés de performance pour vos campagnes Social Ads - KPIs for your social ads campaigns

    KPIs for your social ads campaigns

    8 January, 2024|paid media|

    Après analyse, vous constatez que vous avez des utilisateurs dormants sur vos plateformes. Quoi faire? Vous devez trouver des façons de les stimuler pour qu'ils engageant plus fréquemment avec vos différentes plateformes.

    What is a CRM?

    18 October, 2023|business strategy|

    Looking for a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors? Want to create original Instagram stories? Read this article to learn how to add some grainy texture to your stories.

    Best practices on Pinterest

    3 October, 2022|content creation|

    These days, it's harder to stand out from the crowd, capture the attention of followers and differentiate yourself from the competition on social media. Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your community.

    Our opinion on Hubspot

    15 June, 2022|business strategy|

    You've probably already heard of CRMs, those databases that help you sell by storing all the communications between you and your customers. Here at the agency, we use Hubspot on a regular basis and now know that all the tools it offers have a real impact on our work.

    • An effective guide to a tidy database - Un guide efficace pour une base de données bien structurée

    An effective guide to a tidy database

    8 March, 2022|analytics|

    Your databases are supposed to facilitate your exchanges with your clients and allow you to share information within your company. However, if they are not kept up to date, they can hinder the achievement of strategic objectives.

    • Les Meta Keywords, est-ce si important maintenant ? - Are Meta Keywords important now?

    Are Meta Keywords important now?

    16 February, 2022|SEO|

    Do you want to improve your organic search engine optimization? There are many ways to improve your SEO, but in today's world, are "Meta Keywords" relevant?

    • Qu'est-ce qu'une bonne stratégie de backlinks ? - What is a good backlinks strategy?

    What is a good backlinks strategy?

    2 February, 2022|Uncategorized|

    In order to optimize your efforts, backlinks are a relevant way to improve your SEO. By using keywords, external and internal links, you can make your content perform more efficiently thanks to this strategy.

    • Pourquoi prioriser les données marketing? - Why prioritize marketing data?

    Why prioritize marketing data?

    10 November, 2021|analytics|

    Knowing how to adequately respond to the needs of your target audience is an effective way to reach your engagement and conversion objectives. Data marketing allows you to evaluate and collect the performance of your content on your different social platforms and on your website.

    • Pourquoi se lancer dans le contenu vidéo ? - Why get into video content?

    Why get into video content?

    27 October, 2021|content creation|

    It is becoming more and more relevant for companies to invest in the creation of quality content. Videos are becoming an effective way to broadcast their products and services and reach a large number of potential consumers!

    • Que faut-il savoir pour bien rédiger son contenu ? - What are good copywritting skills?

    What are good copywriting skills ?

    13 October, 2021|social media|

    In today's ecosystem, content marketing is a relevant strategy for achieving objectives such as engagement and conversion. Intelligent and thoughtful content writing becomes a great asset to make your marketing strategy profitable and to put forward your value proposition.

    • Comment booster son trafic avec le SEO? - How to boost your traffic with SEO?

    How to boost your traffic with SEO?

    29 September, 2021|SEO|

    Is your company looking to achieve traffic and sales goals? Getting a better search engine ranking allows you to reach more potential customers! How can you get there? With the help of an Organic Search Engine Optimization strategy called SEO!

    • À quoi sert un CRM? - What is the purpose of a CRM?

    What is the purpose of a CRM?

    15 September, 2021|Uncategorized|

    Are you looking to provide the best possible support to your customers throughout the conversion tunnel? The implementation of a CRM is the solution! It allows for the automation of many tasks in addition to channeling all the important information about your customers in one place!

    How to organize your CRM?

    1 September, 2021|Uncategorized|

    Listening to your customers and offering them optimal customer service is an essential element for all businesses. Thanks to CRM and its tools, your company can now make the most of every piece of information and interaction from your customers!

    • Qu'est-ce que le SMM ? - What is SMM?

    What is SMM?

    4 August, 2021|social media|

    With the rise in importance of various social platforms, it makes sense for companies to promote their brands through SMM. With increasing access to a huge number of potential consumers, SMM greatly facilitates the achievement of various strategic objectives.

    How to integrate the Google Analytics GA-4?

    21 July, 2021|analytics|

    With the rise of e-commerce, it has become essential for companies to analyze the behavior of their consumers. Google Analytics 4 facilitates the work of marketers by offering powerful tools for collecting and analyzing information as well as forecasting trends.

    • Les médias sociaux pour les entreprises B2B - Social media for B2B businesses

    Social media for B2B businesses

    28 April, 2021|Social Commerce|

    When we talk about B2B (business-to-business) companies, it is sometimes difficult to understand how and why being present on social platforms is so important. Their presence and consistency are, however, essential for several reasons.
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