Increase your online sales with social media

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Increase your online sales with social media

More than ever, social media has been taking part in business marketing strategies. We use it to promote all types of products every second. Instagram has also integrated a “Buy” feature that allows you to order an item directly from the app. But how do you convince the user to buy online?

What is a conversion funnel?

There are several steps that users go through before making a purchase decision. They are summarized in six points and mapped out in the form of a funnel known as a ” conversion funnel.”

At first, the consumer will ask themselves questions which will influence their decision. For example, during the awareness stage, we ask ourselves: “what is this product for?” Next, we look for information on the subject. Then, we learn more about the product at the interest stage. The consideration stage is marked by reading reviews and comparisons with other products. At the intent stage, the consumer adds the item to their basket. Before buying, they evaluate their basket and give it one last thought before doing the transaction at the purchase stage.

Yes, it takes a lot to convince someone to buy, no matter what you sell. However, not all consumers start at the very top of the funnel. If a consumer has been wondering about their purchase for a while and their basket has been full for two weeks, they only have a few steps left before moving on to the credit card step. In marketing, we need to think about all the people who are found on each pillar of the funnel.

How to make your social media an essential sales driver for your brand

1- Listen to your audience

If you notice that your audience already knows about the product you are selling, your priority will be to convince them to buy it. The first step of awareness will then be completed. You will therefore be able to publish selling content (promotions, news, etc.) rather than informative (statistics, definitions, etc.)

2- Use different features to stand out

When a brand uses multiple social media functions, it implies that it can be known in different ways from lots of touchpoints.

3- Speak “human,” and tell your story

Storytelling is such a crucial tool in marketing. Do not hesitate to bring out the human side of your business and tell your story. It is more interesting than you think!

4- Respect your editorial line

Staying consistent is essential on social media. This allows you to keep charming your followers and winning over new ones. Find the creative line that suits you best and stick to it!


The watchword on social media in 2020: authenticity. Be truthful: inspire your followers with reality, and let real life speak.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • What is the history of your brand?
  • What are your marketing activities?
  • What stage of the conversion funnel are my subscribers at?

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    Wadlington, J. (2020, October 12). From awareness to acquisition: Creating a content funnel that converts. Sprout Social. Online 

    Patel, N. (2020, January 24). A Beginner’s Guide to Lead Conversion with Social Media. Neil Patel. Online

    6 ways to turn social media fans into customers. (2021, April 19). BDC.Ca. Online

    Quick Sprout. (2019, February 16). 16 Tips To Improve Your Social Media Conversions. Online

    Written by

    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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