What is influencer marketing?

Qu’est-ce que le marketing d’influence? - What is influencer marketing?

What is influencer marketing?

Who would have thought 15 years ago that millions of people would have careers based on social media? Whether it is to promote a product, sell a service or raise awareness of a brand, influencers are at the heart of today’s marketing strategies. But who are they and what is their job?

What is an influencer?

Social media user is referred to as “influencer” when they use their platforms to share their opinions with Internet users and can influence them by changing their consumption patterns. The influencer will be approached by a brand asking them to produce exclusive content on one of their products in exchange for the product itself or money. This content will be posted on the influencer’s page and possibly reposted on the brand page. 


Influencers are also called content creators. They can find their trademark, image, and colours and adapts them to each of their publications.  For example, Lucie Rhéaume is a well-known influencer and content creator in Quebec. Thanks to her quality publications and her community of almost 250k subscribers, a lot of companies approach her for partnerships. In this case, she is seen wearing a Daniel Wellington watch.  Not only did this publication earn her a DW watch, but it probably also earned her compensation, given the addition of the “AD” in the description.

This profession comes with a certain responsibility. Influencers have the power to influence an entire community literally, and they act as inspiration for it. Many take advantage of this platform to discuss important topics, such as health and eco-responsibility. The platform can also give visibility to a movement that inspires them.


For example, influencer and content creator Audrey Rivet uses her platform to speak about the Black Lives Matter movement. She publishes quotes and shocking facts and gives visibility to black artists.

Influencer types

Different types of influencers are classified according to their number of followersvisibility, engagement rate and cost. 

Number of followers Visibility Engagement rate Cost
Nano influencers 1 000 – 10 000 Low Very high Low
Micro influencers 10 000 – 50 000 Rather weak High Rather weak
Mid-tier influencers 50 000 – 500 000 Rather high Rather high Rather high
Macro influencers 500 000 – 1 000 000 High Rather weak High
Mega influencers 1 000 000 and more Very high Low Very high

Moreover, there are also celebrity influencers who have become influencers. They were first known as actors, athletes, singers, and so on. Now they use their platforms to promote certain brands in exchange for products or money.

How to choose an influencer

As a brand or as a business, several points need to be considered when it comes to choosing an influencer. First, it is essential to know your main business objective. To gain notoriety, it would be interesting to reach out to a wide and varied audience, for instance, with a macro-influencer; if your goal is to convert future customers to purchase, partner with a nano or micro-influencer to efficiently target your audience and benefit from a great engagement rate.


One of the goals of an influencer marketing campaign is to build a relationship of trust with someone with an audience that interests you. Make sure you choose someone whose work you enjoy and whose content matches your image. Some companies choose to collaborate with influencers as brand ambassadors, which means an exclusive contract over a longer period.


The important thing is to target your campaign objectives and understand the benefits of each influencer group.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • How much am I prepared to invest in an influencer marketing campaign?
  • What is my campaign goal?
  • What type of community am I going to address?

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    Godin, C. (2021, June 10). How to Choose the Best Ambassador for Your Brand? Online

    e-marketing. (2021, July 5). Influenceurs – Définition du glossaire. Online

    Written by

    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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