How to boost your traffic with SEO?

Comment booster son trafic avec le SEO? - How to boost your traffic with SEO?

How to boost your traffic with SEO?

Is your company looking to achieve traffic and sales goals? Getting a better search engine ranking allows you to reach more potential customers! How can you get there? With the help of an Organic Search Engine Optimization strategy called SEO!

Search Engine Optimization

Having a better Search Engine Optimization is an important element to achieve your sales and traffic objectives. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an effective organic strategy that allows you to rank your website or blog first on search engines! This will allow interested parties to access your page more easily, giving you an advantage over your competitors. To learn more about the different tools available to optimize your SEO, visit this article.

Keywords are the basis of a successful SEO strategy! When a user tries to find a particular recipe or even a fashion item, he will write a few words in the search bar in order to find the site that best meets his or her needs. These keywords will then bring up hundreds or even thousands of answers corresponding to their search. This is where it becomes relevant to appear first on search engines, according to HubSpot, 75% of users stop on the first page of results. We understand that this motivates you as a brand to invest in order to be on the first page!

It is therefore necessary to think about the most appropriate keywords for your website by projecting yourself in the head of your target consumers. How would they try to find your products in a Google search?  

A little story to illustrate the concept!

You’re getting ready to take a shower and when you try to start it, it doesn’t flow… Alarm to the plumber! You absolutely must find one quickly!

Your first instinct – Google…You type in “emergency plumber Montreal”. Which site will you choose during this moment of panic, the first one on the Google result page or the one on the third page? The first one, of course!

That’s why it’s important to invest time and money in an SEO strategy that will allow you to have an advantageous strategic positioning on search engines!

Other ways to structure your SEO campaigns

You can study your competitors’ use of keywords to gain inspiration and ensure that you stand out among thousands of product offerings. Additionally, using a Keyword Research Tool helps identify keywords with the greatest reach, maximizing your potential customer base.

Internal linking (link building)

Another strategy to optimize your SEO is internal link building. This allows you to link your different pages to achieve a better ranking! For example, creating links between your performing content and the one that is not performing will increase your chances of getting a better ranking and will keep users on your site longer. The use of quality meta descriptions, meta titles and meta keywords are also a way to give an overview of your offer in addition to sharing relevant information to consumers in order to attract them to your site.  

A concrete example of the use of internal linking is the appearance of a “you might like” tab when shopping online for a specific item! With the use of keywords that allows connectivity between your products, you will be able to propose to your customers similar items that may interest them!

Optimize images

To ensure that you attract and keep the attention of users, it is essential for you to maximize the customer experience. A good way to take this into consideration is to optimize your images!

For example, you need to choose the right image format that won’t slow down your page but won’t sacrifice the quality of your image. Also, if you have a mobile application, you need to consider an image format that is adaptable to that platform! Be sure to compress your larger images to reduce the download time and therefore help the speed of your site!

Optimize the speed of the site

Optimizing the speed of your site is imperative to satisfy the expectations of your customers and your SEO! You must use several tactics to reduce the loading time of your page as much as possible and avoid a downgrading on search engines and reduce your bounce rate!   

Here are two tips to consider:   

  • Reduce the response time of your server  
  • Keep the number of JavaScript files to a minimum!  

In conclusion, to boost your traffic with SEO, there are no shortcuts, it is a long and laborious but effective process! For it to be optimal in the long run, you must produce quality content in addition to taking into consideration your audience, your competitors and your own traffic, sales and conversion goals.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • Do you have a good ranking on Google?  
  • Do you do internal linking? 
  • Is the speed of your site optimal?

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    Dubey, K. (2021, March 24).How Can SEO Keywords Help Me Rank Higher – Limit Infinity. Medium. Online.

    Mallya, S. (2020, December 23).9 SEO Best Practices That You Should Follow in 2021Semrush Blog. Online.

    Lieberman, M. (2020, February 18). 10 Stats About Inbound Marketing That Will Make Your Jaw Drop. HubSpot. Online.

    Godin, C. (2020, September 10).Le SEO bien Online.

    Written by

    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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