Create content to drive sales

Create content to drive sales

There is more than one type of content you can produce for your brand.

Types of content you can produce:

  • Blogs
  • Videos
  • GIFs
  • Photos
  • And more.

First, you need to know where there is space to fill and what type of content the consumer seeks. For example, a user is looking for clear instructions on integrating an application into their website, and you work in the Web Design field. Then, it would be pertinent to create a type of content, like a step-by-step video, that would demonstrate to the user how to successfully implement an application to their website. If you wish to be more strategic in your content development, you could create a series of short and instructive videos that talk users through achieving various goals. For instance, you could show how to produce a landing page.

Similarly, developing photographic content (before and after pictures) would be the perfect way to showcase your portfolio and skillset if you work in architecture or interior design.

However, going beyond mere content, it is useful to establish a guideline defining what you want to evoke through your photos, videos, and other types of content, so your brand can stay centered around these decisions. After all, the biggest generator of traffic will always be brand power and the aura it conveys.

Join us to learn how to create great content for your brand!

Questions to ask yourself?

  • What does your user want to know?
  • What is the most interesting way to explain what the user wants to know?
  • Which tone do you want to convey through your content?
  • What are the competitors in your industry doing to respond to consumer needs?


(2021a, October 31). Comprendre l’algorithme d’Instagram. Online.

(2021b, October 31). Qu’est-ce que le marketing d’influence? Online..

Instagram Stories Stickers: 13 Features That Are Perfect For Businesses. (2020, August 7). Later Blog. Online.

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    Written by

    Fanny Maingreaud

    Content manager

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