A short guide to personas

A short guide to personas

The term persona comes back often in content marketing. Moreover, this tool is extremely useful for businesses offering products or services.

Why define a persona?

The importance of defining a persona

First, a persona designates your product, service or content toward your target client. Precisely, it acts as an imaginary character that represents an archetype of a group of people. Also, these people have interests, motivations, and behaviours in common. Notably, the persona must have a first name, social characteristics, and a story.

Who is your ideal buyer?
What do they want?
What do they need?
What are they afraid of?

Essentially, the persona places the client at the heart of each company’s decision-making. Indeed, it is a vital tool to help develop your business. Once you have identified a specific segment of your clientele rather than communicating with a generic category, for instance, women between 25 and 35 years old, it is much easier to define a strategy.

How to build your persona?

Its construction is created in multiple stages.

To begin, you must collect information on your current and future clients. Then, you need to use a quantitative approach relative to sociodemographic criteria (gender, age, profession, socio-professional status, area of residence, etc.) and a qualitative approach relative to behavioural and psychological criteria (lifestyle, values, motivations, restraints, and so on.)

Consider the information you already have at your disposal such as your database, teams who work directly with your clients, studies, etc. Whether you wish to get more detailed data, consider sending out surveys. Hence, the objective is to collect information from your clients and your prospective clients by talking to them directly.

Main keypoints to remember

Now that you have a defined persona, it is time to bring it into action. Initially, a persona must be at the centre of your development strategy, including design, development of your product or service, communication campaign, etc. Next, you can display your personas so that your entire internal team can see them. Also, you can send out portfolios about your personas to your providers for them to have a better understanding of your target market.

Thus, bear in mind that a persona is not fixed! This tool initially requires substantial data collection. However, as you gather new information from your target market, you can continue to update your strategies according to your persona’s evolution. When you collect data, you can enhance your understanding of this character.

Written by

Caroline Godin

President & Founder

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