Can « likes » translate into sales?

Les mentions "J'aime" peuvent-elles générer des ventes ? - Can « likes » translate into sales?

Les mentions "J'aime" peuvent-elles générer des ventes ? - Can « likes » translate into sales?

Can « likes » translate into sales?

Despite the evolution and the enrichment of functionalities on social networks, the like is still relevant, and it intends to remain so! Its value has changed in recent years. It no longer submits to a form of competition but rather follows an authentic trend, more thought out and committed by consumers.

Thus, it remains one of the first benchmarks and performance factors for many companies. Indeed, the number of likes on a post is no longer visible to the public, but the metric is still used as an internal measure.

Here are different values you can give to “likes” to improve your performance:

1. Organize a contest

Who would not want the chance to win a product or service greatly appreciated? Invite your community to participate in a contest by defining clear conditions while remaining simple and quick. Moreover, ask participants to like your post and follow your account. This will create a commitment from your community that will automatically feel recognized.

2. Use the right hashtags

By using the right hashtags, you will propel your content to people who are significantly interested in your field, and you will get noticed. They will certainly be attracted to the quality and content that you offer and be tempted to hit the like button. Do not overcrowd your captions with hashtags. Instead, put them in the first comment under your post.

3. Mention the collaborators linked to your content

By mentioning the people and / or brands who participated in the creation of your content, you will humanize your publications, an approach that will be highly appreciated by users. This is a double win because it will also allow you to reach everyone linked to these collaborators.

4. Share about your daily life

Make people laugh and provoke empathy! Do not be afraid to use humour in your content. Users will recognize themselves and will not hesitate to tag their friends to remind them of a memory of a past situation. Internet users are always active and involved when it comes to recalling embarrassing moments.

5.  Don’t underestimate the caption

Many people will like your content for the quality of the image. Nevertheless, others will be more sensitive to the tone and words you use. Hence, you should not neglect the caption; it will create expectation or enthusiasm in your community. It should be just as good and engaging as your visual content.

6.  Be transparent

As mentioned above, users “like” more thoughtfully. They are more sensitive to your brand’s values and commitment. Therefore, it is also essential to go beyond the product or service you sell by showing them more about your work, your teams, your policy, etc.

Beyond the sign of recognition that a like generates, a commercial value is attributed to it. Indeed, the number of likes is a measure considered in the final statistics. These statistics allow us to study the impact and results obtained after an advertising campaign, a specific type of publication, or other content strategies. Hence, the number of likes allows you to assess the scope of this strategy and then maintain, improve, or transform it.

The value of a like is highly essential to professionals who use it to measure their community’s interest and engagement rate. In fact, it allows them to know their audience and better respond to their desires and needs.

Finally, a like is always beneficial for a brand. However, this is not an attempt to make a purchase: it is a favourable recognition of a symbol or phrase used by the particular brand. Also, other performance indicators should be considered when measuring a campaign, such as the engagement rate, the return on investment of the media expenditure, etc.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • What importance should we give to the like as a performance indicator when developing our campaign?

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    Chen, J. (2021, June 20). How to get more Instagram Likes (and why they still matter). Sprout Social. Online

    Osman, M. (2020, May 4). Here’s Why You Should Never Buy Instagram Likes. Sprout Social. Online

    Loren, T. (2016, December 6). New Instagram Feature: Now You Can Finally Like Instagram Comments. Later Blog. Online

    Written by

    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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