Facebook Ads vs. Boosted posts: What’s best?

Publicité sur Facebook vs publication boostée : quel est le meilleur choix ? - Facebook Ads vs. Boosted posts: what's best?

Facebook Ads vs. Boosted posts: what’s best?

In Canada, 14 million people scroll their Facebook feed every day. That means 14 million users are exposed to boosted posts and social media ads daily. These are effective ways to reach large audiences, but which one should you prioritize for your business needs?

What is a boosted Facebook post?

First, you need to know that a Facebook post is a simple concept on its own. Indeed, every user can publish several kinds of content as they wish: text, photos, video, etc. Business pages are also likely to post content on their business page: they can use the “boost” option that Facebook offers to reach as many people as possible.

Whenever you hear that a post was “boosted,” it means that it was put forward by Facebook in exchange for a certain amount of money from the company to be seen and hopefully liked by many users. For example, this post was seen by almost 90 users when it was published organically. After “boosting” it, we noticed an 1893% increase in exchange for just about $20, resulting in good traffic to the featured article. It is incredible what a few dollars can offer when it comes to visibility!

Finally, note that a “boosted” publication appears in the feed but can also be found in the future on the company’s profile. After the budget you invested has been used up, the publication will remain accessible.

What is a Facebook Ad?

A Facebook ad does not look all that different from a “boosted” post when you see it on our feed. However, the mechanics and thinking behind it make it different.

Unlike a post, an ad does not end up on the business page. Instead, it will run on the news feed with the label: “sponsored.” When the social media manager prepares the ad, the former might wonder what it is for.  To improve brand awareness, gain more consideration, or increase conversion? Whatever the need, by targeting a specific audience based on their age, gender, interests, and other criteria, Facebook Ad offers enough options to reach your goal.

Moreover, ads can appear in various formats: carousel, slideshow, etc. The call-to-action buttons are also available only on Facebook Ads, not boosted posts: they help direct your audience in the right direction so they can then take action.

For example, this carousel ad was seen by almost 55,000 people and generated more than 2,000 clicks in exchange for an amount between $ 300 and $ 500. More money was invested in this ad than in the boosted post, but the company was able to enjoy more traffic than any organic publication.

So which option should I choose?

That is the question. Each business has a different need, depending on the time of year, type of content, goals, and budget. We thought a comparison chart might help you choose what is best for your kind of product, campaign, and business.

Boosted posts Facebook Ads
3 campaign objectives:
  • Engagement
  • Online Purchase
  • Messages

Smaller audience

Easy to use – for beginners

Extremely limited audience targeting

No creative display option

Limited budgeting and planning options

11 campaign objectives:
  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • App Installs
  • Video Views
  • Lead Generation
  • Messages
  • Conversions
  • Catalogs sales
  • Store Traffic

Larger audience

Harder to use – more for experts

Robust audience targeting

Several creative display options

Multiple budgeting and planning options

Finally, boosted posts are a great, inexpensive way to generate some buzz about a post. If you are more or less familiar with the Facebook Ads tool, this is a great place to start learning about social media advertising. Facebook ads are more expensive but benefit from better targeting. In addition, it is possible to preview an ad before even publishing it: perfect for all the perfectionists out there!

It may all seem confusing at first glance, but trust us; the results pay off so much!

Questions to ask yourself?

  • What is my budget?
  • What level of precision do I want to have?
  • Do you want to reach a specific audience?
Written by

Romain Modard

Digital media manager

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