From TikTok to Reels

IN- De TikTok aux Reels - From TiKTok to Reels

From TikTok to Reels

TikTok has made everyone talk this year, especially since people are consuming more and more content “thanks” to Covid-19. Otherwise called “,” the platform grew popular in Canada in 2019 and 2020. It had its own kind of content (short videos, easy editing, music, etc.) until Instagram released its new feature: Reels. To the delight of all content creators, this is a new way to post more creative and unique content.

TikTok vs. Reels

Even though they are found on two completely different social media, it can be said that TikTok and Reels are very similar, with a few exceptions.

Today, TikTok is the 7th most popular social media in the world (after Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, Messenger, WeChat and Instagram). More than 800 million people use it around the world (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2020). They create videos less than a minute long, often adding music and a filter. Viral trends have been started on TikTok, such as dancing to Jason Derulo’s song “Savage Love,” which has been performed thousands, if not millions, of times to the point where the singer made it his music video.

In contrast, Instagram Reels are also short videos but 15 seconds long. This new feature was released in August 2020. It allows you to shoot a short video and add music and a filter. Not so far from what TikTok does! It is a brand-new way to share creative content on Instagram. Content creators have already adopted it and are creating all types of content, whether educational, for the purpose of selling a product, or just for fun. This is also a great way to grow your audience since the algorithm promotes the new feature by adding several Reels to the “Explore” page.

Which platform should you choose?

While many Instagram content creators and influencers have embraced TikTok for its short video feature, they can now use it directly on Instagram. However, should they continue to use TikTok or just focus on Instagram?

The answer to this question is: it depends on their target audience.

When you are present on social media, it is essential to know your audience by creating, for example, a persona. Whether you want to reach out to young adult music fans or parents in their 30s, there is a platform for that.

It is well known that a very young audience consumes TikTok videos. In fact, 69% of the platform’s users are between 13 and 24 years old. On the other hand, on Instagram, the same age group represents 36.7% of users. In this case, to ask the question is to answer it: the two platforms are super different!

At Billy. Social, we believe it is essential to focus on a single platform for this content. Not everyone has both apps installed on their phone. Influencer’s followers on Instagram are sometimes not even aware that they also have a TikTok platform that they use.

Reels are here to stay because they represent a real opportunity in digital marketing. It is a great way to show off your online presence, stay creative, and get a new place in Instagram’s algorithm.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • Who do you want to talk to?
  • Will your video be relevant across all the content on the platform?
  • How do I want my content to be seen and perceived?
Written by

Romain Modard

Social media manager


Worb, J. (2021, January 26). The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Reels. Later Blog. Online

Facebook. (2020, August 5). Facebook. Online

Nguyen, L. (2020, August 18). Everything You Need to Know About Instagram Reels, TikTok’s Rival. Hootsuite. Online

Chen, B. X., & Lorenz, T. (2020, August 14). We Tested Instagram Reels, the TikTok Clone. What a Dud. The New York Times. Online

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