How to ace the art of strategic storytelling ?

Maîtriser l'art du storytelling - How to ace the art of strategic storytelling?

How to ace the art of strategic storytelling?

In today’s digital world, individuals are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of advertising stimuli every day. This makes it increasingly difficult to capture and keep the attention of consumers. Developing a thoughtful content strategy becomes inevitable to achieve your visibility and recognition goals. This is where storytelling comes in!

How to develop a good storytelling?

By using unifying or moving stories, this approach appeals to the feelings of consumers who feel challenged by your brand. Everyone loves a good story, it stimulates the imagination, emotions and empathy. It’s a great way to create connections between your brand and consumers. 

You will notice that readers are more likely to pay attention if the information they receive is not only based on statistics and numbers, but also on emotions. See more.

If you want your audience to listen to you, convey your message through a well-structured and easy-to-understand story. This is the key to getting their attention! Showing vulnerability or opening up in the face of a challenge helps humanize your brand. If your content properly addresses the needs of your users and also demonstrates a form of authenticity, then the fallout will only be positive.  

It is with this authenticity that you will be able to attract the attention of consumers. Creating excitement around your products, through a well-articulated story, will allow your customers to go through with their purchase decision. 

To get the results you want, your story must have a defined structure. Before you begin, think about your brand identity and all the elements your storytelling will need to respect. For example, language, tone, and even vocabulary will have an impact on the delivery of the message you want to communicate. 

3 basics elements to consider in order to make a good story

First, you need a character, this is the element that will create links with your audience. How do you choose a character? Based on your persona! Your persona is your target audience. Creating a persona that is close to them is a great way to create content that will interest your users. The more you know about your audience, the more you’ll be able to create content that matches their expectations. 

Second, to make your story dynamic and emotional for your readers, you need to insert a conflict. This element can refer to problems faced by the reader or even by you as a company. Including a conflict that users can relate to will make them want to know more about the solution and the resolution.  

Third, the conclusion. This is the solution to the conflict in your story. It’s also the perfect time to get your users to take action! By positioning your brand as a solution to a problem or conveying a positive emotion to consumers, they will be inclined to take the actions you desire. 


Story ideas for your business

  • The origin of your organization and why it exists. 
  • The challenges you have faced and overcome.
  • New and innovative ideas.

Finally, developing good storytelling is about sharing your story in an authentic way to stir your readers’ emotions and move them to action. Your story can be funny, serious, moving, as long as it is memorable. 

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    Decker, A. (2021a, June 2).The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling. HubSpot. Online.

    Snow, J. L. A. S. (2019, July 12).The Strange Thing That Happens In Your Brain When You Hear a Good Story — And How to Use It to Your Advantage. Hubspot Online.

    Blacken, C. (2021, December 10).The Stories That Matter for Your Business: A Framework That’ll Help You Influence, Engage, and Connect. Buffer Resources.. Online.

    Written by

    Fanny Maingreaud

    Content manager

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