5 reasons to use LinkedIn Polls

5 reasons to use LinkedIn Polls

Looking for innovative ways to interact with your audience and increase your engagement? Look no further than LinkedIn Polls. This interactive feature can greatly benefit your business and increase engagement levels.

LinkedIn established itself as a dominant platform that allows professionals to connect, exchange ideas and engage with like-minded individuals. The integration of LinkedIn Polls has made it easier to interact.

The popularity of this feature is rapidly increasing among both users and businesses. Indeed, it presents a unique opportunity for your business and users to exchange ideas and opinions and/or gather data.

1. Engage with your audience

Engagement is essential to build a solid connection with your audience. LinkedIn Polls are an effective way to interact with your contacts and your followers. By asking questions through polls, you encourage participation and create a sense of community and proximity with your audience.

Generally, people are naturally curious and will probably participate to the poll to know where most people stand on the question.

Interacting with polls is also appealing since it takes less than a second to respond and humanizes your page.

People appreciate that their voices and opinions are heard, and polls offer a simple and effective way to communicate in both ways.

2. Get to know your audience

It is essential to understand your audience to elaborate your content strategy and adapt your products and services to their needs and preferences. LinkedIn Polls are a precious tool that allows you to know who your audience is, what they want to see, but also collect information that will help you directly in your decision making.

Moreover, the feature allows your business to collect your audience’s ideas, making LinkedIn Polls an excellent alternative to market research.

By analyzing answers and surveys, you can adjust your content and strategy to best meet your audience’s expectations. This feature makes it easier than ever to adopt a data-driven approach.

3. Increase visibility on your page

Polls help you extend your reach beyond your immediate connections. In fact, when you create a survey, your message is visible to a wider audience, who may find your topic relevant.

This exposure is crucial for your brand’s visibility and reputation. Indeed, it is an exceptional method to acquire new subscribers and potential customers.

4. Increase traffic to your website

LinkedIn Polls allows adding links to survey options, directing respondents to a landing page, blog post or white paper.

Strategically placing your links will not only generate and increase your traffic but also your chances of converting interested users into leads.

5. Reinforce your expertise

Showcasing your expertise and positioning yourself as an expert is essential for building credibility and reputation. This reinforces trust from your users and audience.

In fact, asking relevant and stimulating questions related to your field or current events through LinkedIn Polls is a great way to showcase your expertise and knowledge.

Hence, establishing yourself as a reference will be a piece of cake if you follow these steps!

To conclude, integrating LinkedIn Polls into your content strategy is ideal for obtaining valuable insights into your audience’s preferences, boosting visibility, increasing traffic, and converting casual users into devoted consumers.

Make the most of this tool and turn it into your ultimate ally. Take your business to new heights and achieve goals with ease.

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    Smulders, S. (2022, September 5). How To Use LinkedIn Polls For Lead Generation. Online.

    Sharma, R. (2022, May 9). How to use LinkedIn polls for better engagement. webdew. Online.

    Written by

    Imane Bouazzaoui

    Social media specialist

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