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What is the purpose of a CRM?

Are you looking to provide the best possible support to your customers throughout the conversion tunnel? The implementation of a CRM is the solution! It allows for the automation of many tasks in addition to channeling all the important information about your customers in one place!

Why use a CRM?

The customer is the central element of the good functioning of all companies, which is why their satisfaction must be taken into account. What is the solution to this issue? The implementation of a well-organized CRM that centralizes the information available on all your customers.    

This tool allows the unification of all data that can be used by the different departments of your company for service and sales purposes. 

Companies now rely on sophisticated systems that keep information accurate and up to date. This unique database allows different departments to have access to and better understand current consumers in order to make all future communications with them more profitable.   

CRM also allows you to grow your business by providing leads and opportunities about potential customers. 

5 best practice steps for CRM implementation

1. It is obvious that the first step in the implementation of an efficient CRM is to gather, in one place, all the information and exchanges between you and your customers. This will allow you to respond to their requests more effectively, since it will be possible to track their journey at a glance. 

2. As a second step, it is necessary to classify all the information and segment your customers to offer them the best possible support throughout the conversion tunnel. Once the information is well organized, it is easier to retrieve and use it to retain existing customers or attract new ones. 

3. Third, to make your investment in a CRM really worthwhile, you need to establish a classification system of customers and their actions. It is relevant to create a hierarchy according to the added value of each customer and their actions to know where and when it is relevant to really put time. Your different efforts will then be channeled into relevant tasks that will boost your sales.

4. The fourth step to take would be to make sure you use the automation features of the CRM. This software offers you several reminders, sending and analysis features that will considerably reduce human errors and maximize results in a short period of time. From reminders to send personalized newsletters to effective sales forecasts, CRM performs a number of tasks automatically, leaving employees more time to focus on other objectives. To learn more about the most effective platforms for managing your newsletter campaigns, view this article.

Finally, to implement an efficient CRM, it is important to invest time and money in training your employees. By having a better understanding of the use of this database, they will be able to keep the platform up to date, which will contribute to its effectiveness. Having a deeper knowledge of the different functionalities of this system will allow your team to make better use of it and contribute to improving the company’s profitability.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • Would it be beneficial for your company to centralize your data management?  
  • Are you able to quickly access your customers’ complete records?  
  • Are you looking for a way to optimize your data entry and analysis process?

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    Lunk, J. (2017, April 26).6 Tips for a More Organized Small Business CRMBenchmarkONE. Online.

    What is a CRM?(n.d.). Hubspot. Retrieved June 10, 2021. Online.

    Beginner’s Guide to CRM Systems. (n.d.). Salesforce.Com. Retrieved June 10, 2021. Online.

    Canevet, F. (n.d.).A quoi sert un CRM ? Quels sont les bénéfices pratiques ?ConseilsMarketing. Retrieved June 10, 2021. Online.

    Calderon, T. (2021, May 6).A quoi sert un CRM pour une entreprise? Online.

    Billy.Social. Online

    Written by
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    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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