What’s an inactive subscriber?

Qu'est-ce qu'un utilisateur dormant? - What's an inactive subscriber?

What is a sleeping user? 

After analysis, you notice that you have dormant users on your platforms. What to do? You need to find ways to stimulate them to engage more frequently with your different platforms.

What is the difference between a sleeping user and an active user?

To understand how to engage or re-engage your consumers, it is important to segment them properly to better understand their specific needs and expectations. An active user is an individual who interacts with your content and brand on a regular basis. A dormant user is an individual who is subscribed to your newsletter, but who has not taken any real action for some time. These people may or may not have already purchased your product, but are now disinterested in your offer and no longer interact with your brand in any way. 

What is the cost of a dormant user in your database?

Dormant users have a cost! Despite the fact that they don’t earn you anything, you continue to store their contacts and create and send promotional content without any response or return on investment.    

  However, before you permanently eliminate an individual from your mailing list, it’s a good idea to try to re-stimulate them.

Why regain those users?

Why is it relevant to focus on these consumers? 

On average, 70 to 75% in your mailing list is made up of inactive users. All of these users are basically potential consumers for your business. It is important to reach out to those individuals, as the money and time spent acquiring a new customer is 7X greater than to retain an existing user. 

Some strategies to increase their engagement

First, it’s important to identify your dormant users so you can create tailored campaigns that target them directly.  These marketing efforts must focus on capturing the attention of your consumers. The message must therefore be stimulating and include a call to action to generate a real desire. How can this be achieved? Including an element that appeals to the sentiment or adding an unexpected or provocative element is always a way to catch consumers’ eye. Sending an email like “Are you still interested?” with a tempting promo code will convince many undecided customers and push them towards the desired action.  

Secondly, sending personal, personalized or exclusive emails is also an opportunity to stimulate dormant users. For example, sending an automatic email on the consumer’s birthday will create a sense of belonging and uniqueness. Since they will feel engaged, the opening rate of the email will inevitably be higher and may provoke a desire to take action. To find out which are the best platforms to help you manage your newsletter campaigns, visit this article.

Thirdly, sending out questionnaires to gather feedback on your business will help stimulate some users. In addition to helping you understand why they are not interacting with your brand, you will be able to accommodate and satisfy them more adequately. If dormant users feel that they are being listened to and taken into consideration, they will have a more positive perception of your brand which will be beneficial for your business.

When should you delete your dormant users?

After making the necessary efforts to win back your dormant users, you will find that some of them will remain unreachable.  So now is the time to remove them from your databases! These individuals are wasting your time and money and it is not always important to have as many prospects as possible. Sometimes, it is more relevant to have the right consumers, who show a real interest in your business and who will allow you to make your marketing efforts profitable. 

Questions to ask yourself

  • Do you know how to identify dormant users?  
  • Do you have a strategy in place to reactivate dormant users?  
  • What tools could you use to stimulate them? 

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    Wayshak, M. (2020, September 11). 17 Ways to Engage & Re-Engage Your Customers [+ Sample Letter]. HubSpot. Retrieved November 1, 2021. Online.

    Georgieva, M. (2021, June 11). 5 Steps to Building an Email Re-engagement Campaign. HubSpot. Retrieved November 1, 2021. Online.

    Nurture. (n.d.). Sleeping Users? Tips To Manage Your Inactive Subscribers. Retrieved November 1, 2021. Online.

    MailMonitor. (2017, October 4). Email Re-engagement: Show Love to Sleeping Users. Retrieved November 1, 2021. Online.

    Godin, C. (2021, May 26).Quelles sont les plateformes les plus utilisées pour gérer des campagnes d’infolettres? Online.

    Written by

    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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