Growing your engagement on Instagram

Comment développer votre engagement sur Instagram?  - Growing your engagement on Instagram

Growing your engagement on Instagram

1 billion individuals each month. That’s the number of users actively using the Instagram platform.

If your company isn’t positioned on this network, now is the time to seriously consider it, as it’s a great way to introduce your brand to new consumers and build loyalty with those you already have.

If you already have a business page, but just can’t seem to generate the expected engagement, this article is for you.  Instagram provides its users with multiple tools and features that, when used correctly, will help you boost the interest of your target audience.

First, you should know that engagement on Instagram can take many forms. For example, the number of likes, comments, shares, messages received, mentions of your page, etc.

However, Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes certain forms of engagement over others. Posts that have been sent or saved frequently by users will, for example, be given more prominence than posts that have only received likes and comments.

So here are some tips to help you generate engagement with added value for your organization.

Know your target audience inside out

Before you even think about what type of content to create or what type of visuals to use, you need to do an audit to really know your consumers.   

  • Who are they?   
  • What are their expectations/needs?   
  • What are they looking for on the platform: information or entertainment?   
  • Are they mostly millennials? Are they men? Are they women?  ed 

Here are multitude questions you’ll need to answer to ensure you’re creating content that reflects the people you’re trying to appeal to. 

Pro tip: If you think about how best to meet the needs of your subscribers, then you will be sure to create content with high added value. They will have a real interest in your brand and will want to establish a relationship with your company. For example, when your subscribers save your posts for future reference, it is the ultimate proof that your content is relevant to their needs. 

Know your target audience inside out

Instagram is first and foremost an image platform where visuals are important. The quality of your images will have a direct effect on the number of interactions with your content. With the daily number of publications on the network, as a business, you must give particular importance to the aesthetics of your page. You need to stand out with the quality and originality of your visual strategy. That being said, even without experience in graphic design or content creation, there are multiple tools available today such as Canva, which allows you to create attractive visuals by offering predetermined and easily customizable templates.   

Pro tip: If you still want to share content that doesn’t necessarily fit your branding criteria, carousels are the perfect format to avoid ruining the uniformity of your page. They allow you to publish up to ten different images in a single post. You can put a first image that logically follows the aesthetics of your page, and then include your users’ photos afterwards. This feature is also great for engagement, because if a user interacts with your post in any way, it will be shown to them a second time by featuring another photo included in the carousel. 

Show your human side

Your followers like to see who’s behind your brand. Since social platforms give you direct access to your consumers, right on their phones, showing the more human side of your brand is often an engagement builder. 

Of course, you should not forget all the work that has gone into branding your organization, but this is also the place to deviate from your original plan by offering your subscribers what they want to know about you. This will allow you to create unexpected content that will stimulate their interest. For example, by showing a “sneak peek” of a product in the creation phase or by highlighting the arrival of a new employee within your organization. 

Pro tip: If you’re not sure how to include this type of content on your page, you can use the “Stories” feature. This type of ephemeral content is available to users for only 24 hours, unless pinned above your Instagram page. This way you can really let your creativity run wild without risking ruining the consistency of your posts. You can also use different “Stickers” within your “Stories” by adding polls, question boxes or even countdowns, a smart ways to further drive engagement on your page. 

Create your own Reels

Finally, you should consider creating video in the “Reels” format on Instagram. On average, videos on this platform receive 38% more engagement than simple photo posts. 

“Reels” allow you to stand out from the crowd, as they have a strong reach potential and viral component! Again, you don’t need to have extensive knowledge of video creation and editing. Reels are easily made on your phone and on the Instagram platform! 

Pro tip: To make your “Reels” perform, it is recommended to use viral sounds available on the platform. In addition to making your video more dynamic, the “Reels” will be presented to a greater number of people! 

Establishing a strong online presence by obtaining a good level of engagement is a job that requires a lot of planning and effort from your organization. You must not forget that the ultimate goal is to satisfy the customer by encouraging him to perform actions relevant to your organization

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    McLachlan, S. (2021, September 21).22 Simple Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement. Hootsuite. Online.

    McLachlan, S. (2022, January 18).35 Instagram Stats That Matter to Marketers in 2022. Hootsuite. Online.

    McLachlan, S. (2022b, February 28).The 2022 Instagram Algorithm Explained. Hootsuite Online.

    Gotter, A. (2021, April 21).The 29 Instagram Statistics You Need to Know in 2021. Online.

    Written by

    Fanny Maingreaud

    Content manager

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