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Facebook Ads: How to choose your bid strategy?

By Romain Modard

In order for your advertising campaigns to succeed, it is important to choose a bid strategy on Meta. There are key elements that can orient this decision which will help you maximize the impact of your ads.

Meta uses an elaborate methodology that considers three main factors: your offer, estimated interaction rate and the quality of your ad. These three elements are combined to create the total value that Meta uses to determine the winner of the auction.

Different types of auctions

Expense-based auctions

Choosing Meta’s spend-based auctions depends on how you want to optimize your results for your budget.

Whether your goal is to maximize the volume of results, you can opt for a strategy where Meta puts the emphasis on the volume instead of the cost. This can be particularly beneficial if the increase in the number of conversions is a major priority.

If you want to target higher-value conversions more effectively, you can specifically choose the highest values. This will guarantee you a better ROAS.

Objective-based actions

Objective-based auctions allow you to precisely define the cost or value that you want your campaign to reach. You can choose between two objectives:

The first being the cost per result objective, allows to easily limit the costs to a certain amount. This makes it easier to pursue average profitability.

These flexible options advertisers to customize their strategy, navigate efficiently their results according to their specific objectives and maximize the efficiency of their advertising expenses on Meta.

Manual auctions

In manual auctions, an advertiser sets a maximum bid. This approach requires a good understanding of the expected conversion rates to determine the appropriate bid. To do this, the advertiser needs to know precisely how much a new customer is worth and then set a maximum bid cost to achieve the conversion. This strategy is the opposite of the more dynamic strategies used in other auctions.

When it comes to running successful ad campaigns, the auction you choose is a critical factor. Each competing ad is assigned a value by Meta, so it is important to select the auction that best fits your business objectives. Choose your auction wisely and ensure it aligns with your advertising objectives. This will increase the likelihood of your ad reaching the right audience and ultimately lead to more conversions.

Questions to ask yourself?

  • What factors guide your choice of bidding strategy for Facebook Ads?
  • How do you use performance data to adjust your bidding strategy?
  • Do you adapt your bidding strategy to your Facebook advertising objectives?

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    Dalmas. A. Comment gagner des enchères sur Facebook Ads en 2023 ? Accessed 15 December 2023. J7 Media. Online

    (n.d.). About bid strategies. Accessed 15 December 2023. Facebook. Online

    (n.d.). About highest volume. Accessed 15 December 2023. Facebook. Online

    (n.d.). About cost per result goal. Accessed 15 December 2023. Facebook. Online

    (n.d.). About ROAS goal. Accessed 15 December 2023. Facebook. Online

    Written by
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    Romain Modard

    Social media manager

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